Does Mobile Technology Matter? A Student Centric Perspective

Wenshin Chen

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    Based on a student-centric perspective, this study seeks to understand how mobile technology influences students’ learning experiences. Our research motivation is driven by the increasing attention paid to mobile technology in the research and business community. Set in a public university setting, our investigation seeks to shed light on how teaching and learning could be reshaped by mobile technology, most specifically, emerging tablet PCs. The findings, based on two MIS (Management Information Systems) courses, one graduate and the other undergraduate, suggest that overall students perceived the mobility of tablet PC positively. In addition, graduate students expressed a higher degree of learning satisfaction and greater expectation of future technology usage than undergraduate students. Indeed, mobile technology seems to matter to students’ learning in general. The finding is particularly relevant when considering how to incorporate mobile technology into teaching practice as such technology-driven teaching practice is increasingly being expected in the contemporary networked society. Additional insights for managers, technology vendors, and college instructors are also discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-10
    JournalIBIMA Business Review
    Issue number424156
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


    • mobile technology
    • student satisfaction
    • learning experiences
    • tablet PC
    • case study


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