Dynamic literature mapping : typography in screen-based media

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    This paper chronicles the development of a visual map representing a literature search on key theorists and thinkers in two principal topics: Typography and New Media. Its aim is to visualise and facilitate conceptual connections between key ideas and philosophies across disciplines. This literature map was drawn up by reviewing available influential literature within these topics. Related categories were later added and a further series of literature searches were conducted to build references in each topic. This on-going cyclical process serves to construct a comprehensive contextual map of knowledge. The benefit of the map is twofold. Primarily, aiding the researcher to navigate and understand complex layers of information. Secondly, allowing the researcher to present and share representations of knowledge. The clarity of the representation is crucial in eliciting the participation of fellow design researchers and practitioners to the development and growth of the literature map.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2003
    EventEuropean Academy of Design Conference - Barcelona, Spain
    Duration: 1 Apr 2003 → …


    ConferenceEuropean Academy of Design Conference
    Period1/04/03 → …


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