EasyPoint 53 automated teller machine (ATM)

Bruce Watson, Kevin Hilton, Ian Hewitt

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact


Leading and managing the design and development of the EasyPoint 53 Automated Teller Machine (ATM) for NCR, leaders in mid and high level ATM, Waters coordinated a team including Hewitt, Hilton and Coventry that also involved NCR Dayton Ohio, NCR Financial Solutions Group, London and NCR, Dundee, UK. EasyPoint, a low cost, entry level ATM, was designed for use in retail locations to give improved customer service and revenue opportunities for retailers. Watson researched the specific needs of users in retail environments, which enabled NCR to produce a compact, low cost, e-commerce centre. Hewitt provided industrial design input throughout the project, and Hilton gave ‘design against crime’ expertise. This initial research led to the product’s recognition in the NACS Show 2001, USA, where it won the Overall First Prize for best design, engineering development and manufacture: www.ncr.com/products/hardware/hw_atm_easypoint_53_product.htm. An innovative feature of Watson’s design was a thinner than standard, light weight metal enclosure, which if attacked would interlock and strengthen its structural integrity. With the smallest footprint and lightest machine of its generation, the design underpinning this led to a shift in the industry from scaled-down standard ATMs, to low-cost cash handling solutions. EasyPoint has resulted in a growth of younger ‘service based’ businesses; many developing a lightweight materials route into engineering plastics. Watson’s management skills, with the multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder input developed during this project, have been deployed recently as project manager for the Centre for Excellence in Life Sciences delivering (£1.2M) InSTeP project for healthcare companies in North East England. EasyPoint also led to collaboration with the US based Tool Making Company; Virdev, and joint projects included medical projects with IBM, USA for Medtronic, the world leader in imbedded pacemaker technology
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Oct 2001


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