Edge computing in future wireless networks: A comprehensive evaluation and vision for 6G and beyond

Mustafa Ergen, Bilal Saoud*, Ibraheem Shayea, Ayman A. El-Saleh, Onur Ergen, Feride Inan, Mehmet Fatih Tuysuz

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1 Citation (Scopus)
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Future internet aims to function as a neutral in-network storage and computation platform, essential for enabling 6G and beyond wireless use cases. Information-Centric Networking and Edge Computing are key paradigms driving this vision by offering diversified services with fast response times across heterogeneous networks. This approach requires effective coordination to dynamically utilize resources like links, storage, and computation in near real-time within a non-homogenous and distributed computing environment. Additionally, networks must be aware of resource availability and reputational information to manage unknown and partially observed dynamic systems, ensuring the desired Quality of Experience (QoE). This paper provides a comprehensive evaluation of edge computing technologies, starting with an introduction to its architectural frameworks. We examine contemporary research on essential aspects such as resource allocation, computation delegation, data administration, and network management, highlighting existing research gaps. Furthermore, we explore the synergy between edge computing and 5G, and discuss advancements in 6G that enhance solutions through edge computing. Our study emphasizes the importance of integrating edge computing in future considerations, particularly regarding sustainable energy and standards.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1151-1173
Number of pages23
JournalICT Express
Issue number5
Early online date17 Aug 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2024


  • 5/6G
  • Communication
  • Edge computing
  • IoT/ioE
  • Latency
  • Wireless communication

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