Editorial: Fashion and clothing - are they synonymous?

Kathryn McKelvey, Janine Hunt, Fiona Raeside-Elliott

    Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


    This paper is part of a major research project, ‘Futurology – the impact of technology on the fashion prediction industry’. The research encompasses the implementation of technology in the fashion industry, firstly and directly through 'new media', for examples the Worth Global Style Network and the use of the Internet, and secondly the utilisation of smart textiles. The primary research the data is focused on interviews with production companies, publishers and their clients in the UK, Europe and USA.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages8
    Specialist publicationJournal of Fashion Marketing and Management
    PublisherHenry Stewart Publications
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 1999


    • Fashion Trend
    • Fashion Marketing
    • Fashion
    • Clothing
    • Fashion Prediction
    • Fashion forecasting


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