Educating architects in a post-pandemic world

Ashraf M. Salama, Michael Crosbie

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle

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The Covid-19 pandemic has raised a series of questions about the challenges facing the two-centuries-old canons of architectural education, their suitability to a post-pandemic digital world, and what the future of architectural education in the current university system might be.

In a period of less than three weeks, commencing in March, architecture schools around the world made significant decisions to shelve face-to-face learning in physical settings and move to a model in which online teaching and learning, collaboration, engagement and interaction, review and assessment, and celebrating student achievements are the only safe forms of group or collective activity. They were immediately challenged to do everything differently. The situation that schools are facing now, however, is not just a response to Covid-19. The model that has evolved over two centuries is changing within the space of a few weeks or months. Various reactions and responses to address this challenge are now in progress, within a very fluid scene. All of this remains a work in progress.
Original languageEnglish
Specialist publicationCommon\Edge
Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • architects
  • education
  • post-pandemic world
  • Covid-19
  • architecture schools
  • architectural education


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