title = "Energy-efficiency interventions in housing: learning from the inhabitants",
abstract = "Technological solutions to domestic energy reduction are insufficient without the cooperation of inhabitants. It does not matter how much energy hypothetically could be saved by efficient technologies if no one wants to live in the properties, install or use efficient lighting and heating. Therefore, to improve the uptake and effectiveness of household energy-efficiency interventions, it is necessary to understand {\textquoteleft}why people react to particular energy-efficiency interventions in the ways they do?{\textquoteright} An analysis is presented of in-depth interviews with 50 inhabitants who participated in one of four domestic energy-efficiency interventions. The findings indicate that issues such as aesthetic tastes and effects on lifestyle are central to why people reject economically viable, simple and well-understood domestic energy-efficiency interventions.",
keywords = "CFL bulbs, energy demand, energy efficiency, housing, inhabitants, lighting, user acceptance, user behaviour",
author = "Tracey Crosbie and Keith Baker",
note = "Les solutions technologiques {\`a} la r{\'e}duction de la consommation d'{\'e}nergie domestique ne peuvent suffire s'il n'y a pas de coop{\'e}ration de la part des habitants. Peu importe combien d'{\'e}nergie pourrait hypoth{\'e}tiquement {\^e}tre {\'e}conomis{\'e}e gr{\^a}ce {\`a} des technologies performantes si personne ne veut vivre dans de tels logements, installer ou utiliser un {\'e}clairage et du chauffage performants. Par cons{\'e}quent, afin d'am{\'e}liorer l'acceptation et l'efficacit{\'e} d'interventions destin{\'e}es {\`a} am{\'e}liorer le rendement {\'e}nerg{\'e}tique des logements, il est n{\'e}cessaire de comprendre « pourquoi les gens r{\'e}agissent comme ils le font {\`a} des interventions particuli{\`e}res qui visent {\`a} am{\'e}liorer le rendement {\'e}nerg{\'e}tique ? » Il est pr{\'e}sent{\'e} une analyse d'entretiens approfondis avec 50 habitants qui ont particip{\'e} {\`a} l'une des quatre interventions visant {\`a} am{\'e}liorer le rendement {\'e}nerg{\'e}tique des logements. Les constatations faites indiquent que les questions telles que les go{\^u}ts esth{\'e}tiques et les cons{\'e}quences sur le style de vie sont essentielles pour expliquer pourquoi les gens rejettent des interventions destin{\'e}es {\`a} am{\'e}liorer le rendement {\'e}nerg{\'e}tique des logements, qui sont {\'e}conomiquement viables, simples et bien comprises.",
year = "2010",
doi = "10.1080/09613210903279326",
language = "English",
volume = "38",
pages = "70--79",
journal = "Building Research & Information",
issn = "0961-3218",
publisher = "Taylor & Francis",
number = "1",