Engaging authentic pupil voice in schools

David Littlefair*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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Schools exist because of the children they educate but examples of their voice influencing their education in an authentic manner can be rare. This chapter outlines the importance of pupil voice and defines the key aspects of authenticity. It uses the themes emanating from this definition as examples of establishing practices to support pupil voice in the classroom. Such practices are based upon the findings of a pupil voice study into the experiences of 14–16-year-old children in physical education (PE) lessons. This PE project was driven by the pupils and adult voice was militated in order to enhance the authenticity of the findings. The project empowered children to raise and discuss the issues they deemed important and find their own solutions without steering or influence by their teachers. The implementation of these findings in one school demonstrated the dynamism and potential of learning based upon child-centred practice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEstablishing Child Centred Practice in a Changing World, Part B
EditorsSam Frankel
Place of PublicationBingley
Number of pages12
ISBN (Electronic)9781804559406
ISBN (Print)9781804559413
Publication statusPublished - 9 Jun 2023

Publication series

NameEmerald Studies in Child Centred Practice


  • Authentic pupil voice
  • Child-centred practice
  • Education
  • Physical education
  • Pupil voice
  • Schools

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