Engineering judgement in undergraduate structural design education: Enhancing learning with failure case studies

Vikki Edmondson*, Fred Sheratt

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Universities face the challenge of developing undergraduate structural engineering students' design judgement. This study evaluates whether introducing ‘learning from failure', centralised around ‘real-world' case studies, serves to facilitate the development of engineering judgement in structural design. The study identifies the use of three characteristics of engineering judgement: diagnostic, inductive, and interpretive in the work of the first-year undergraduate structural design students. Thematic analysis, combined with a constant comparison method and the rigour of inter-researcher reliability, was used to develop coding and mapping to evaluate students' work. The majority of students correctly applied diagnostic engineering judgement to the definition of a problem for a failure case study; and displayed the inductive aspect of judgement. Students' interpretive understanding embraced multi-faceted considerations, with engineering practice, complexity in causality, and learning from history being dominant. Introducing case studies deepened students’ enquiry, stimulating the development of a more nuanced understanding of structural engineering judgement.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberCEEE-2021-0123
Pages (from-to)577-590
Number of pages14
JournalEuropean Journal of Engineering Education
Issue number4
Early online date11 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2022


  • Engineering judgement
  • case study
  • engineering profession
  • learning from failure
  • structural design practice
  • undergraduate civil engineering


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