English Composers at the Archducal Court at Brussels and the Influence of their Music in the Spanish Netherlands

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Peter Philips (1560/61-1628) left his homeland and went first to Italy before settling in the Spanish-occupied Netherlands. In 1597 he gained a position at the court of Albert and Isabella at Brussels, where he became the highest-paid organist. John Bull was an exact contemporary who visited the Brussels court in 1601-2, and in 1613 settled permanently in the Spanish Netherlands. Sources with a south Netherlands provenance contain music by these and other English composers. In this chapter, I assess the extent of English influence on keyboard music of the region, and conversely the extent to which English composers adapted their music for Netherlands taste.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationActes du colloque XVIIe, XIXe, XXIe siècles, Bruxelles, carrefour européen de l'orgue
EditorsJean Ferrard
Place of PublicationBruxelles
Number of pages10
ISBN (Print)2960036603, 9782960036602
Publication statusPublished - 2003
EventXVIIe, XIXe, XXIe siècles, Bruxelles, carrefour européen de l’orgue - Brussels, Belgium
Duration: 12 Oct 200015 Oct 2000


ConferenceXVIIe, XIXe, XXIe siècles, Bruxelles, carrefour européen de l’orgue


  • Organ (Musical instrument)
  • Organ music
  • Peter Philips
  • John Bull
  • William Browne
  • Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck
  • Brussels
  • keyboard music

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