Enhancing practitioner-led education in social work: developing a secondment project

John Cavener, Carrie Phillips, Felicity Shenton

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This paper illustrates the development of a secondment project designed to enhance practitioner-led social work education in a Higher Education Institution. The project was developed as part of a Teaching Partnership initiative to establish joint working and standardized approaches to social work education between Higher Education Institutes and Local Authorities across a UK region. Highlighted is how the project utilized a six-stage strategy designed to gather information to produce an evidence-base to support the implementation of a pilot practitioner secondment arrangement. The paper discusses strategies used to gather information from a range of stakeholders to inform the project, the project outcome and some considerations for future secondment arrangements. Contributing to a limited source of literature, challenges and limitations of developing formal secondment arrangements and delivering practitioner-led education in Higher Education Institutes are highlighted. This paper will assist Higher Education Institutes and Local Authorities in the design and implementation of formal secondment arrangements where these are identified as in need of development.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)350-361
Number of pages12
JournalSocial Work Education
Issue number3
Early online date6 Jun 2019
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2020


  • Practitioner-led education
  • seconded practitioner-lecturer
  • teaching partnerships


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