Entering the field

Rona Lee

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    Lee was invited as co-researcher to join ‘field labs’ in Britain and Sweden (funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond/Swedish Research Council, convened by Maria Hellestrom Reimer) addressing the conception/representation of two diversely stratified cultural/physical landscapes. The study was undertaken under the auspices of Land Use Poetics an inter-national/disciplinary network of arts researchers enquiring into methods of spatial projection/technologies and imaginaries of land use. This essay asks: what does it mean to survey, sample, and collect evidence? How do acts of recording mapping and analysing impact upon the field and those involved in studying it? It offers an account of the activities undertaken by Lee during both LUP workshops, making/exhibiting work within the condensed time frame of four days, literalising this ‘brief encounter’ so as to engender a ‘corporeal situation’.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationLand Use Poetics
    EditorsMaria Hellström Reimer, Robin Wilson, Nigel Green
    Place of PublicationLund
    PublisherSwedish University of Agricultural Sciences
    Number of pages103
    ISBN (Print)978-9157690111
    Publication statusPublished - 2011


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