Ethical and practical considerations for including marginalised groups in quantitative survey research

Mark Adley*, Hayley Alderson, Katherine Jackson, William McGovern, Liam Spencer, Michelle Addison, Amy O’Donnell

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This paper considers the ethical and practical issues of recruiting for, and administering a quantitative survey with marginalised populations. These issues were identified through a focus group discussion, which consolidated and expanded upon informal conversations held previously by five researchers about their experiences of conducting a face-to-face survey (using predominantly quantitative questions) with people who used amphetamine type substances in North East England, UK. Inductive and deductive thematic analysis of the focus group discussion led to the generation of three key themes: researcher positionality, emotions, and role dilemmas; study design; and ethics in practice. This paper therefore aims to extend literature which explores ethical and practical issues involved in studies with marginalised populations. It makes methodological suggestions for how work across a range of disciplines could make face-to-face survey research, and future studies with marginalised populations, more inclusive for both participants and researchers.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)559-574
Number of pages16
JournalInternational Journal of Social Research Methodology
Issue number5
Early online date11 Jul 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2 Sept 2024


  • Study design
  • ethics
  • multiple disadvantage
  • reflection
  • socially excluded

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