Evaluation of awareness level knowledge and understanding framework personality disorder training with mental health staff: impact on attitudes and clinical practice

Selma Ebrahim, Samantha Crooks, Sari Harenwall, Angus Forsyth

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Purpose: To evaluate the impact of Knowledge and Understanding Framework (KUF)awareness level training with mental health staff in a UK NHS Mental Health Trust. Design/Methodology: 181 mental health professionals completed 3 day KUF awareness level training to promote understanding and positive attitudes in working with personality disorder. Attitudes to personality disorder were evaluated using the Personality Disorder – Knowledge and Skills Questionnaire (PD-KASQ, Bolton et al, 2010) at pre and post training and at 3 and 6 months follow up. Quantitative data was analysed and descriptive statistics were obtained. Qualitative methods were also used to evaluate the integration of learning into work based practice with 5 participants. Findings: Participants reported a favourable reaction to the training. Understanding and positive emotions about working with personality disorder increased significantly posttraining(gains maintained at 3 and 6 months follow-up). Capability in working with personality disorder was increased post training and at 3, but not 6 months. Qualitative analysis suggests clinical practice was positively impacted upon 3 months following training. Research Limitations/Implications: This research suggests awareness level KUF training can have a positive impact on the attitudes, understanding and clinical practice of mental health practitioners towards people with a personality disorder. It confirms earlier research on a decrease in capability post training, and explores strategies to further develop capability with this client group. Originality/Value: Despite the promotion of KUF awareness level training by the Department of Health there is limited evaluation of the approach with mental health professionals in practice. This study reports on an evaluation of KUF training within a large mental health trust with 3 and 6 month follow up data. Qualitative evaluation 3 months after course completion indicates improved practice and application of course principles when working with individuals with personality disorder.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)133-143
JournalJournal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 11 Jul 2016


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