Event-related potentials, reaction time, and response selection of skilled and less-skilled cricket batsmen

Mogammad Sharhidd Taliep, Alan St Clair Gibson, Janine Gray, Linda van der Merwe, Christopher Vaughan, Timothy Noakes, Lauriston Kellaway, Lester John

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20 Citations (Scopus)


The differences in P300 latency, P300 amplitude, response selection, and reaction time between skilled and less-skilled cricket batsmen have been investigated. Eight skilled and ten less-skilled right-handed batsmen each viewed 100 in-swing, 100 out-swing, and 40 slower deliveries displayed in random sequence from projected video footage whilst their responses and electroencephalograms were recorded. Logistic regression was used to derive a discriminative function for the P300 data. This was done to determine whether the skilled batsmen differed from the less-skilled batsmen on the basis of pooled P300 amplitude and latency data. All the batsmen were correctly characterised as being skilled or less-skilled. Logistic regression equations with reaction time and correctness of response data indicated that behavioural data do not correctly classify skilled performance. It is suggested that skilled cricket batsmen have a superior perceptual decision-making ability compared with less-skilled cricket batsmen, as measured by P300 latency and amplitude. This appears to be the first study showing a link between skill and cerebral cortical activity during a perceptual cricket batting task and it could pave the way for future studies on mental processing in cricket batsmen.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)96-105
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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