Exploring resilience for effective learning in computer Science Education

Tom Prickett, Tom Crick, Morgan Harvey, Julie Walters, Longzhi Yang

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Background and context:
Many factors have been shown to be important for supporting effective learning and teaching – and thus progression and success – in formal educational contexts. While factors such as key introductory-level computer science knowledge and skills, as well as pre-university learning and qualifications, have been extensively explored, the impact of measures of positive psychology are less well understood for the discipline of computer science. This preliminary work investigates the relationships between effective learning and success, and two measures of positive psychology, Grit (Duckworth’s 12-item Grit scale) [6] and the Nicolson McBride Resilience Quotient (NMRQ) [3], in success in first-year undergraduate computer science to provide insight into the factors that impact on the transition from secondary education into tertiary education.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages10
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 1 Apr 2020
EventCambridge Computing Education Research Symposium - University of Cambridge Department of Computer Science and Technology, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Duration: 1 Apr 20201 Apr 2020


ConferenceCambridge Computing Education Research Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • Resilience
  • Effective learning
  • Computer science education


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