Feasibility study and design of an ocean wave power generation station integrated with a decommissioned offshore oil platform in UK waters

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Wave energy exploits the movement of the wind across the surface of the sea to provide an inexhaustible, carbon-free energy source for electricity generation. This can potentially provide a significant contribution to electricity generation supply in the UK, meeting up to 20% of the UK’s electricity demand. This represents 30-50 MW capacity of electrical energy by 2020, and potentially 27 GW by 2050 as technology within the industry develops and matures. Studies show that developing marine energy resources in the UK can save 60 metric tons of carbon dioxide by 2025 and aid in the UK meeting 20-20-20 renewable energy objectives. In this paper the design of a wave power station integrated with a decommissioned offshore oil platform is proposed. This approach provides ideal conditions for the exploitation of wave energy for electricity generation. It not only saves the cost of decommissioning but also provides the offshore oil platform with new life, generating electrical energy from an inexhaustible source. The objective of this work was to conduct an extensive feasibility study to develop a proof of concept design for wave energy generation integrated with an offshore oil platform.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)161-174
JournalInternational Journal of Energy and Environment
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 2017


  • Offshore structures
  • Offshore wave power
  • Decommissioned platform
  • Mechanical design of wave energy generation system


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