Found in space: The MINDful Play Environment is born

Dene Gregar, Stephen Gibson

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The MINDful Play Environment (MPE), an acronym for Motion-tracking, Interactive Deliberation, is a virtual learning environment created as a performance-installation piece, driven by motion-tracking technology, in which three people interact with one another and media elements like video, animation, music, lights, and spoken word. The artists and programmers involved in this project – Dene Grigar, Steve Gibson, Justin Love, and Jeannette Altman – have produced this educational environment so that it does not look or feel educational but rather game-like in a way that is both playful and mindful. Here, we provide an overview of the project, talk about the Phase I stage just completed, and describe the future steps planned for its development and use.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 28 Oct 2007
Externally publishedYes


  • motion tracking
  • Audio-visuals
  • transdisciplinarity

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