Frequency control of isolated wind and diesel hybrid MicroGrid power system by using fuzzy logic controllers and PID controllers

Mousa Marzband, Andreas Sumper, Oriol Gomis-Bellmunt, Paola Pezzini, Mircea Chindris

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

25 Citations (Scopus)


This paper presents a new application of fuzzy logic (FL) to an isolated network with a High Penetration, no-storage wind-diesel (HPNSWD) system. As a result of a study referring the behavior of an isolated electric system facing frequency disturbances, a fuzzy logic controller (FLC) was developed to improve the system's dynamic performance. The validity of the proposed controller is evaluated by computer analysis using MATLAB/SIMULINK. The simulation results demonstrated that a small-scale wind turbine generation unit can be freely operated in an isolated distribution network without creating violation in power balance and voltage profile. The effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller is then compared with that of a proportional-integral-and differential (PID) controller.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEPQU 2011 - Proceedings of the International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781467303781
ISBN (Print)9781467303798
Publication statusPublished - 12 Jan 2012
Event 11th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation - Lisbon, Portugal
Duration: 17 Oct 201119 Oct 2011

Publication series

NameProceeding of the International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation, EPQU
ISSN (Print)2150-6647
ISSN (Electronic)2150-6655


Conference 11th International Conference on Electrical Power Quality and Utilisation
Abbreviated titleEPQU 2011
Internet address


  • Fuzzy logic controller (FLC)
  • frequency controller
  • high penetration no storage wind diesel (HPNSWD) system
  • isolated network
  • wind and diesel hybrid system
  • wind turbine


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