Gait and Neuromuscular Changes Are Evident in Some Masters Club Level Runners 24-h After Interval Training Run

Sherveen Riazati*, Nick Caplan, Marcos Matabuena, Phil Hayes

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Purpose: To examine the time course of recovery for gait and neuromuscular function immediately after and 24-h post interval training. In addition, this study compared the impact of different statistical approaches on detecting changes.

Methods: Twenty (10F, 10M) healthy, recreational club runners performed a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session consisting of six repetitions of 800 m. A 6-min medium intensity run was performed pre, post, and 24-h post HIIT to assess hip and knee kinematics and coordination variability. Voluntary activation and twitch force of the quadriceps, along with maximum isometric force were examined pre, post, and 24-h post significance HIIT. The time course of changes were examined using two different statistical approaches: traditional null hypothesis significance tests and “real” changes using minimum detectable change.

Results: Immediately following the run, there were significant (P < 0.05) increases in the hip frontal kinematics and coordination variability. The runners also experienced a loss of muscular strength and neuromuscular function immediately post HIIT (P < 0.05). Individual assessment, however, showed that not all runners experienced fatigue effects immediately post HIIT. Null hypothesis significance testing revealed a lack of recovery in hip frontal kinematics, coordination variability, muscle strength, and neuromuscular function at 24-h post, however, the use of minimum detectable change suggested that most runners had recovered.

Conclusion: High intensity interval training resulted in altered running kinematics along with central and peripheral decrements in neuromuscular function. Most runners had recovered within 24-h, although a minority still exhibited signs of fatigue. The runners that were not able to recover prior to their run at 24-h were identified to be at an increased risk of running-related injury.
Original languageEnglish
Article number830278
Number of pages13
JournalFrontiers in Sports and Active Living
Publication statusPublished - 2 Jun 2022


  • biomechanics
  • coordination variability
  • gait
  • high intensity interval training
  • kinematics
  • muscle strength
  • neuromuscular function
  • running


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