Generalized k-core percolation on correlated and uncorrelated multiplex networks

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It has been recognized that multiplexes and interlayer degree correlations can play a crucial role in the resilience of many real-world complex systems. Here we introduce a multiplex pruning process that removes nodes of degree less than ki and their nearest neighbors in layer i for i=1,...,m, and establish a generic framework of generalized k-core (Gk-core) percolation over interlayer uncorrelated and correlated multiplex networks of m layers, where k=(k1,...,km) and m is the total number of layers. Gk-core exhibits a discontinuous phase transition for all k owing to cascading failures. We have unraveled the existence of a tipping point of the number of layers, above which the Gk-core collapses abruptly. This dismantling effect of multiplexity on Gk-core percolation shows a diminishing marginal utility in homogeneous networks when the number of layers increases. Moreover, we have found the assortative mixing for interlayer degrees strengthens the Gk-core but still gives rise to discontinuous phase transitions as compared to the uncorrelated counterparts. Interlayer disassortativity on the other hand weakens the Gk-core structure. The impact of correlation effect on Gk-core tends to be more salient systematically over k for heterogenous networks than homogeneous ones.
Original languageEnglish
Article number042306
JournalPhysical review. E
Issue number4
Early online date23 Apr 2020
Publication statusPublished - 23 Apr 2020


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