How Does the Education and Training of Health and Social Care Staff Transfer to Practice and Benefit Patients? A Realist Approach

Jan Illing, Sally Corbett, Amelia Kehoe, Madeline Carter, Hannah Hesselgreaves, Paul Crampton, Marina Sawdon, Meenakshi Swamy, Gabrielle Finn, Wayne Medford, December Ikah, Charlotte Rothwell, Louise Swan, Gregory Page, John McLachlan, Paul Tiffin

Research output: Book/ReportCommissioned reportpeer-review


The primary aim of this study was to identify how education and training can transfer to practice and benefit patients (through improved clinical effectiveness, patient safety, and patient experience). This is of interest both nationally and internationally within health and social care service delivery. It adds to the knowledge base, both theoretically and practically, by providing an evidenced based model of how educational resources targeted at staff can be facilitated to benefit patients. The amount of evidence identified in our research has exploded the myth that demonstrating the link between staff education and patient outcomes is too challenging to pursue.
Original languageEnglish
PublisherDepartment of Health
Commissioning bodyDepartment of Health and Social Care
Number of pages183
Publication statusPublished - Feb 2019


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