How well can we predict earthquake site response so far? Site-specific approaches

Chuanbin Zhu*, Fabrice Cotton, Hiroshi Kawase, Annabel Haendel, Marco Pilz, Kenichi Nakano

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Earthquake site responses or site effects are the modifications of surface geology to seismic waves. How well can we predict the site effects (average over many earthquakes) at individual sites so far? To address this question, we tested and compared the effectiveness of different estimation techniques in predicting the outcrop Fourier site responses separated using the general inversion technique (GIT) from recordings. Techniques being evaluated are (a) the empirical correction to the horizontal-to-vertical spectral ratio of earthquakes (c-HVSR), (b) one-dimensional ground response analysis (GRA), and (c) the square-root-impedance (SRI) method (also called the quarter-wavelength approach). Our results show that c-HVSR can capture significantly more site-specific features in site responses than both GRA and SRI in the aggregate, especially at relatively high frequencies. c-HVSR achieves a “good match” in spectral shape at ∼80%–90% of 145 testing sites, whereas GRA and SRI fail at most sites. GRA and SRI results have a high level of parametric and/or modeling errors which can be constrained, to some extent, by collecting on-site recordings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1047-1075
Number of pages29
JournalEarthquake Spectra
Issue number2
Early online date14 Jan 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2022
Externally publishedYes


  • Site response
  • site effects
  • HVSR
  • ground response analysis
  • square-root-impendance
  • earthquake

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