Human Learning Systems: Public service for the Real World

Andy Brogan, Gabriel Eichsteller, Melissa Hawkins, Hannah Hesselgreaves, Bridget Nurre Jennions, Toby Lowe, Dawn Plimmer, Vita Terry, Guy Williams, Lowis Scharfe, Jeremy Cox, Max French, Brendan Hill, Jeff Masters, Richard Norman, Helen Sanderson, Mark Smith, Rob Wilson

Research output: Book/ReportBook

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Are you fed up with being managed by targets that don’t reflect the lives of the people you help? Of writing plans and budgets that you know are a fantasy? If so, you can choose to do public management differently.

Human Learning Systems is a radically new way of doing public management: the task of resourcing and organising public service.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationAllithwaite, UK
PublisherThemPra Social Pedagogy
Commissioning bodyHuman Learning Systems Collaborative
Number of pages218
ISBN (Electronic)9781916131521
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2021

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