I-eAT, a consortium addressing gastronomic solutions for altered taste: A research and development manifesto

Duika L. Burges Watson*, A. Giboreau, J. Coveney, C. Kelly, M. Bensafi, A. Braud, A. Bruyas, F. Carrouel, H. Cartner, L.M. Cunha, V. Deary, A. Dougkas, E. Monteleone, V. Mourier, P. Singer, S. Spinelli

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An International Altered Taste Consortium (I-eAT) is proposed that seeks to utilise gastronomic and biopsychosocial insights to understand and help people who experience taste alterations. Altered eating experiences and a changed experience of taste is a common and disabling trans-diagnostic, multi-causal entity which has for too long been poorly understood and supported in health research and practice. The phrase Altered Taste is employed (using “taste” in its most commonly understood sense to refer to the overall multi-sensory flavour experience) to emphasise the lived sensory experience of those living with an altered relationship with food. Interdisciplinary collaboration between the domains of medicine, health care, physiology, psychology and gastronomy is considered key to understanding, working with and improving altered taste. This manifesto emerged from ongoing research and practice, and was formulated at a workshop of interdisciplinary experts and patient representatives at the Second International Altered Taste Symposium (2022). Between them they collectively agreed on 1. A shared terminology to maximise stakeholder involvement and 2. An overall research aim to better understand, manage and treat Altered Taste. This aim is implemented in 4 key research objectives.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)78-84
Number of pages7
JournalClinical Nutrition Open Science
Early online date22 Dec 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2023


  • Altered eating
  • Altered taste
  • Sensory alteration
  • Smell and taste loss
  • Food enjoyment


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