Identifying and Analyzing BIM Specialist Roles using a Competency-based Approach

Mohamad Kassem, Nur Liyana Abd Raoff, Djamel Ouahrani

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

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The diffusion of BIM practices and the increasing connotation of BIM contributed to the emergence of several BIM-based specialist roles within the Architectural, Construction, Engineering and Facility Management (AEC-FM) sector. Both the competencies of each specialist role and the potential areas of competency overlap across these roles are not clearly identified in both academic and industry literature. Addressing this gap is important for: creating vocational and tertiary learning opportunities; supporting performance improvement of individuals and potential certification schemes; and defining roles within contract and on projects, and drafting recruitment profiles.

The paper aims to identify the competencies for four key BIM specialist roles – selected based on their citation frequency – and analyze their competency overlap. Three knowledge sieves are used to identify the BIM roles and their competencies: academic literature; national BIM guides and specifications from the UK, US, Norway, and Finland; and job advertisements (i.e. 263 job postings). A BIM competency framework for individuals (i.e. [1]) was adopted while dissecting and collating the roles and responsibilities. The roles and responsibilities were dissected using the framework’s competency sets and topics. Social network analysis was used to visualize the competency profile of each roles, the overlap between their competency profiles, and the most prescribed competencies across all roles.

The results included: (1) a competency based profile of four BIM specialist roles, namely the BIM Manager, Information Manager, BIM Coordinator, BIM Technician; (2) an identification of the competency overlap between each pair of roles and across all roles; and (3) an identification of the competency sets and topics that are required by most roles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Creative Construction Conference 2018
EditorsMiroslaw J. Skibniewski, Miklos Hajdu
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2018
EventCreative Construction Conference 2018 - Radisson Blu Plaza, Ljublana, Slovenia
Duration: 30 Jun 20183 Jul 2018


ConferenceCreative Construction Conference 2018
Abbreviated titleCCC 2018
Internet address


  • building information modelling
  • Construction
  • Construction management
  • competence
  • performance analysis


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