Imaging the magnetosphere-ionosphere system with ground-based and in-situ magnetometers

K.R. Murphy, Sarah N Bentley, David Miles, Jasmine Kaur Sandhu, Andy Smith

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)


Magnetometers provide high-fidelity observations of the Earth's magnetic field from single- and multipoint in-situ vantage points within the magnetosphere and from distributed arrays of ground-based instruments. These magnetometers can be used to diagnose wave processes and both large- and small-scale current systems throughout the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system. In this chapter we review the basic concepts of search coil and fluxgate magnetometers and discuss emerging magnetometer technologies. Following this we discuss the utility of ground-based and in-situ magnetometers in diagnosing magnetosphere and ionosphere phenomena and describe the analysis and signal processing techniques used to study magnetometer data. This includes a discussion of field-aligned and ionospheric current systems, wave power and imaging the magnetospheric system with waves which play a crucial role in energetic particle dynamics, field-line resonances and diagnosing magnetospheric plasma density, and finally substorm dynamics and characterizing the substorm current wedge and substorm expansion phase onset.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMagnetospheric Imaging
Subtitle of host publicationUnderstanding the Space Environment through Global Measurements
EditorsYaireska Collado-Vega, Dennis Gallagher, Harald Frey, Simon Wing
Number of pages54
ISBN (Electronic)9780323858144
ISBN (Print)9780128206300
Publication statusPublished - 2022


  • Currents
  • Electromagnetic waves
  • Field-line resonances
  • Fluxgates
  • Magnetometers
  • Search coils
  • Substorms
  • Wave power


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