Imagining the Sun: using comparative judgement to assess the impact of cross-curricular solar physics workshops

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This paper describes a school intervention focused on visual art and solar physics using science capital and STEAM methodologies to develop STEM engagement activities. Data from 40 children (aged 8–11) in two primary schools in the North East of England are presented, using pre- and post-intervention surveys which contained free-response and likert-scale questions. The paper presents a novel, and transferable, method of evaluating children’s drawings using online comparative judgement marking software, particularly suited to those without a background in qualitative research. Using comparative judgement this paper shows that the intervention led to a moderate increase in girls’ knowledge of solar physics.
Original languageEnglish
Article numberA06
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Science Communication
Issue number06
Publication statusPublished - 31 Oct 2022


  • Visual communication
  • art and literature
  • Science and technology
  • Informal learning


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