Improving the quality of life of disadvantaged young people in Europe

Giuseppe Acconcia, Roland Atzmüller, Evelyne Baillergeau, Sergio Belda-Miquel, Thierry Berthet, Benoît Beuret, Alejandra Boni Aristizábal, Jean Michel Bonvin, Enrica Chiappero-Martinetti, Stephan Dahmen, Jan Willem Duyvendak, Valerie Egdell*, Anna Kathrine Frørup, Céline Goffette, Helen Graham, Paolo Roberto Graziano, Bettina Haidinger, Niels Rosendal Jensen, Christian Christrup Kjeldsen, Alban KnechtThomas Ley, Aurora López-Fogués, Hans Uwe Otto, Agnese Peruzzi, Robert Raeside, Griet Roets, Rudi Roose, Véronique Simon, Alberta M.C. Spreafico, Hilde van Keer, Caroline Vandekinderen, Josiane Vero

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


In this chapter, the key messages and policy implications arising from the chapters making up this volume are drawn together. The research demonstrates the need to increase the development of young people’s agency and voice, and to put it at the centre of policy design, implementation and evaluation. Currently young people often feel undermined by not being given the opportunity to be listened to by policy-makers. This volume highlights the value provided by the Capability Approach in offering a framework for addressing youth inequalities that goes beyond current European and national level approaches. The Capability Approach takes a more encompassing view of what is entailed by youth empowerment and participation in society. By applying the Capability Approach, this volume reveals the necessity to develop a more holistic youth policy in which the individual context, as well as the processes and outcomes of youth programmes, are taken into consideration without neglecting heterogeneous values and life aspirations. The goal is to allow genuine individual agency and promote participation and voice instead of imposing predefined goals, and working together among young people and among different levels of administration.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEmpowering Young People in Disempowering Times
Subtitle of host publicationFighting Inequality Through Capability Oriented Policy
EditorsHans-Uwe Otto, Valerie Egdell, Jean-Michel Bonvin, Roland Atzmüller
Place of PublicationCheltenham, Glos
PublisherEdward Elgar
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9781788110860
ISBN (Print)9781788110853
Publication statusPublished - 29 Dec 2017
Externally publishedYes

Publication series

NameSocial and Political Science
PublisherEdward Elgar


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