In-plane shear reinforcement of wood beam floors with FRP

Marco Corradi, Emanuela Speranzini, Antonio Borri, Andrea Vignoli

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

66 Citations (Scopus)


A study of the behavior under shear of existing wooden floors reinforced with different materials and techniques has been carried out. The purpose of this study was to perform an experimental and numerical analysis of the shear properties of existing and reinforced wood beam floors. The wooden floors were reinforced using composite materials, reinforced concrete flat plate and wood planks. The experimental results show a significant increase in shear strength and stiffness of reinforced floors compared to those unreinforced. Numerical applications regarding the shear behavior of un-reinforced and reinforced wood floor are also presented. The comparison between the experimentally and theoretically determined shear stiffness also provided useful information for practical applications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)310-319
JournalComposites Part B: Engineering
Issue number4-5
Publication statusPublished - 2006


  • Elasticity
  • numerical analysis
  • mechanical testing
  • reinforcement


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