Individual Behavior Change under Smart City Environment—A Proposal of Smart Citizen Concept with Four Dimensions

Jing Tian, Honglei Li, Rong Chen

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


This study proposed a new concept Smart Citizen under smart city environment that has not been noticed before. Smart city has introduced the opportunity for massive information acquisition, digitalization of many life activities, virtual social networking, and consequently, many work has been designed or shifted to be completed through self-service with digital devices such as desktop, laptop, mobile phones etc. Yet we know little about how the life process is being changed by this wave of new technology innovation. Most smart city research focused on either the technology infrastructure or the policy but neglect the most important element of the smart city, the person who lives in the city. This study aims to fill in this research gap by firstly proposing the concept of smart citizen defined in four dimensions of individual behavior, followed by several relevant research questions of each dimension respectively. The four dimensions are (1) slacktivism and knowledge bubble, (2) personal digitalization,(3) virtual social relationship, and (4) digital life process burden. We expect to arouse discussions on how an individual under smart city environment shall respond to these four challenging perspectives.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2018
EventiConference 2018: Transforming Digital Worlds - University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Duration: 25 Mar 201828 Mar 2018


ConferenceiConference 2018
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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