Influence of top management commitment towards the effective implementation of TQM in Iraqi oil companies

Abbas Abdulhameed Aletaiby, Akila Rathnasinghe*, Udayangani Kulatunga

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By raising performance, Total Quality Management (TQM) transforms any industry that is in a state of substantial structural change and facing increased competition. However, Iraq as one of the main global oil suppliers is still lagging on the TQM journey due to decreasing quality levels, particularly in management systems. Thus, this study aims to facilitate TQM in Iraqi Oil Companies by reviewing the TQM practices and the significance of Top Management Commitment (TMC) towards eliminating the barriers for implementation. To achieve this aim, the study utilises a mixed research approach and a single holistic case study strategy by triangulating literature and data collected from one of the leading Iraqi oil companies. The research identified TMC as the most influential factor for effective TQM implementation and six barriers. Furthermore, the research reveals the relationship between the top management commitment required for successful TQM implementation and barriers in that journey. This study will be the first of its kind in the Iraqi oil industry which will lead to a better understanding of TQM practices in Iraq and will encourage other researchers to extend this study through further work.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2039–2053
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology
Issue number4
Early online date14 Mar 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Barriers for TQM
  • Iraqi Oil Companies
  • Top Management Commitment (TMC)
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)


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