Integration of a Manufacturing Model with State-of-the-art PDM System

Wai Ming Cheung, Hayder Aziz, Paul Maropoulos, James Gao

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Product Data Management (PDM) systems and manufacturing models operate independently does not constitute powerful solution in a distributed and collaborative product development and manufacturing environment. In addition there is also lack of research issues addressing the implementation of conceptual design and process planning stage to utilise PDM system, which offering collaborative development in a World Wide Web. To ensure competitive advantage, comprehensive system integration is needed in order to support and enhance the product development and manufacturing activities. This paper focuses on research concerned with providing this level of support through the use of an in-house manufacturing model and a commercially available PDM system. In particular it focuses on fundamental concept of the overall system integration ideas and methodologies. The manufacturing model and PDM system are based upon, respectively, the CAPABLE Aggregate Process Planning System developed by Design and Manufacturing Group, University of Durham and PTC Windchill.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 18 Sept 2002
Event1st CIRP International Seminar in Digital Enterprise Technology - Durham University, Durham, United Kingdom
Duration: 16 Sept 200217 Sept 2002


Conference1st CIRP International Seminar in Digital Enterprise Technology
Abbreviated titleDET02
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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