Intelligent quality performance assessment for e-banking security using fuzzy logic

Maher Aburrous, Alamgir Hossain, Keshav Dahal, Fadi Thabtah

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

    12 Citations (Scopus)


    Security has been widely recognized as one of the main obstacles to the adoption of Internet banking and it is considered an important aspect in the debate over challenges facing internet banking. The performance evaluation of e-banking websites requires a model that enables us to analyze the various imperative factors and criteria related to the quality and performance of e-banking websites. E-banking site evaluation is a complex and dynamic problem involving many factors, and because of the subjective considerations and the ambiguities involved in the assessment, Fuzzy Logic (FL) model can be an effective tool in assessing and evaluating of e-banking security performance and quality. In this paper, we propose an intelligent performance assessment model for evaluating e-banking security websites. The proposed model is based on FL operators and produces four measures of security risk attack dimensions: direct internal attack, communication tampering attack, code programming attack and denial of service attack with a hierarchical ring layer structure. Our experimental results show that direct internal attack risk has a large impact on e-banking security performance. The results also confirm that the risk of direct internal attack for e-banking dynamic websites is doubled that of all other attacks.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (itng 2008)
    EditorsShahram Latifi
    Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ
    ISBN (Print)978-0769530994
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Internet banking
    • e-banking security
    • e-banking site evaluation
    • fuzzy logic model
    • intelligent quality performance assessment


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