Interviewing and Interrogation: A Review of Research and Practice Since World War II

Gavin Oxburgh* (Editor), Trond Myklebust (Editor), Mark Fallon (Editor), Maria Hartwig (Editor)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportAnthologypeer-review

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The science of interviewing and interrogation has continuously evolved since World War II, through the contributions by experts from around the world, from differ- ent legal systems and traditions. But the broader impact of unscientific, ineffective or counter-productive interviewing and interrogation remains profound. Indeed, coercive techniques are still used in many countries even if such practices are criminalized or prohibited under international law. Torture remains a significant problem in fact-find- ing. It persists also in countries that profess the rule of law.

This book discusses the state of our knowledge about interviewing and interroga- tion in a manner accessible to practitioners and managers in policing and law enforce- ment, analysts, investigators and prosecutors in criminal justice, and military, security and intelligence actors. The book assists such professionals to keep up to date with the current known methods of non-coercive information elicitation.

The authors bring exceptional combined expertise on interview and interrogation methods or techniques used around the world since World War II. They explain the models, methods, frameworks and techniques, when and why they were introduced, as well as their effectiveness in practice across different jurisdictions and socio-political contexts. The book includes contributions by 52 experts, in 24 chapters organized in four parts: Part I: General, Part 2: Suspects, Part 3: Victims and Witnesses, and Part 4: Relevant Organizations.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationBrussels
PublisherTorkel Opsahl Academic EPublisher
Number of pages585
ISBN (Electronic)9788283482010
ISBN (Print)9788283482003
Publication statusPublished - 3 Nov 2023

Publication series

NamePublication Series No. 42 (2023)
PublisherTorpel Academic E-publsiher


  • interviewing
  • Interrogation
  • World War II
  • interview technique
  • Non-coercive
  • humane interviewing

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