Judgments of Learning for Words in Vertical Space

Karlos Luna, Beatriz Martín-Luengo, Yury Shtyrov, Andriy Myachykov

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Close relationship between physical space and internal knowledge representations has received ample support in the literature. For example, location of visually perceived information in vertical space has been shown to affect different numerical judgments. In addition, physical dimensions, such as weight or font size, were shown to affect judgments of learning (JOLs, an estimation of the likelihood that an item will be remembered later, or its perceived memorability). In two experiments we tested the hypothesis that differences in positioning words in vertical space may affect their perceived memorability, i.e., JOLs. In both Experiments, the words were presented in lower or in upper screen locations. In Experiment 1, JOLs were collected in the centre of the screen following word presentation. In Experiment 2, JOLs were collected at the point of word presentation and in the same location. In both experiments participants completed a free recall test. JOLs were compared between different vertically displaced presentation locations. In general, Bayesian analyses showed evidence in support for the null effect of vertical location on JOLs. We interpret our results as indicating that the effects of physical dimensions on JOLs are mediated by subjective importance, information that vertical location alone fails to convey.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1894
JournalFrontiers in Psychology
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2016


  • embodied cognition
  • metamemory
  • judgments of learning
  • vertical location
  • Bayesian analyses


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