Kinetic modelling of acrylamide formation during the frying of potato chips

Matthew Knight, Simon McWilliam, Sarah Peck, Georgios Koutsidis*, Gemma Chope, Ian Puddephat, Bronislaw Wedzicha

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The effect of potato tuber composition, frying time and temperature on acrylamide formation in potato chips was investigated and a mathematical model of the kinetics of acrylamide formation is provided. Moisture-temperature–time profiles were obtained for potato slices during frying to enable the determination of the ‘effective’ reaction time by identifying the critical moisture content (6% dwb) for acrylamide formation to commence and using dehydration curves to calculate subsequent frying time to finished product moisture content. The chemical kinetic model conformed to the following rate equation over a one hundred-fold range of acrylamide concentrations: [Formula presented]=k1glucoseasn+k6[fructose][Formula presented] where [TAA] represents total amino acid concentration. The timescale of the frying process meant that the chemical reactions were all in their initial rate phase. Kinetic parameters confirm that the fructose-dependent reaction (caramelization) contributes twice as much acrylamide as the reaction of glucose (Maillard reaction).

Original languageEnglish
Article number129305
Number of pages7
JournalFood Chemistry
Early online date18 Feb 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 2021


  • Acrylamide
  • Infusion blanching
  • Kinetic modelling
  • Potato chips
  • Potato crisps


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