LAF 1.0: Establishment of a Computerized System for Laboratories of Forensic Anthropology

L. G. Crocco, G. O. Brondi, A. T. C. Soares, J. C. Felipe, Martin Evison, Marco Aurélio Guimarães

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


Objective A Software development for registration and recovery of information on Forensic Anthropology, based on the protocol developed during the project "UK-Brazil Scientific Cooperation-Forensic Anthropology and Identification of Human Remains". Methods Considering it is a Browser accessed application (software that allows Internet access, as Microsoft Internet Explorer®), it was necessary to choose an adequate programming language to this requirement as the server application. The chosen language was PHP® and the server application was Apache®. For data storage it was chosen the Data Bank Managing System MySQL®. Results Tests performed with real data proved the LAF 1.0 efficiency, considering safety, reliability in storing and recovering data, as well as user satisfaction with clean, pleasant interfaces. This version was registered at the National Institute of Intellectual Property (INPI) and it is available for use in all medico-legal services interested in the creation of a Forensic Anthropology laboratory. Conclusions: The software improoved the generation of anthropological examination reports at Medico Legal Centre (CEMEL) and allowed the creation of a computerized tool for use in similar services, which will permit easiness in personal capacitating in Forensic Anthropology. Nowadays the software is in its updated version designated as LAF 2.0
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)12-16
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2008


  • forensic medicine
  • bones
  • software


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