Paul Goodfellow

    Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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    LIFE/FORMS is a short film that explores form, colour, shape and the boundaries of objects as they evolve from single spheres into constellations of spheres to create hyperobjects. Each sphere has its own mass, colour and trajectory in space, and these influence the form, colour and movement of the central hyperobject. This film was originally shown as part of SHORT | SHARP* a series of new contemporary audio and visual installations and performance art across three new venues in the town centre of Hexham, Northumberland. This film was first shown as part of the audio-visual installation Remote Sensing, by Paul Goodfellow at the Moothall, Hexham. *SHORT | SHARP was developed by the Neon Arts. Film: 15 Minutes duration
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusAccepted/In press - 10 Oct 2014


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