Locating the sets of exceptional points in dissipative systems and the self-stability of bicycles

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Sets in the parameter space corresponding to complex exceptional points have high codimension and by this reason they are difficult objects for numerical location. However, complex EPs play an important role in the problems of stability of dissipative systems where they are frequently considered as precursors to instability. We propose to locate the set of complex EPs using the fact that the global minimum of the spectral abscissa of a polynomial is attained at the EP of the highest possible order. Applying this approach to the problem of self-stabilization of a bicycle we find explicitly the EP sets that suggest scaling laws for the design of robust bikes that agree with the design of the known experimental machines.
Original languageEnglish
Article number502
Number of pages16
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2018


  • Exceptional points in classical systems
  • coupled systems
  • non-holonomic constraints
  • nonconservative forces
  • stability optimization
  • spectral abscissa
  • swallowtail
  • bicycle self-stability


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