Managing the Second Year of Your PHD: Data Collection and Upgrading from an MPhil to a PhD

Rebecca Denniss, Catherine Talbot

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

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Your PhD typically takes the following course: Getting to grips with the literature and necessary research skills in the first year, conversion to PhD status and data collection in the second year and third year dedicated to writing up the thesis. This article aims to provide guidance and information for the crucial second year.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationA Guide for Psychology Postgraduates
Subtitle of host publicationSurviving Postgraduate Study
EditorsHolly Walton, Ryc Aquino, Catherine Talbot, Claire Melia
PublisherThe British Psychological Society
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - 22 Jan 2019


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