Mindfulness and Imagery Enhanced Behavioral Parenting: Effectiveness Pilot of the Confident Carers Cooperative Kids Program

Mark O. Donovan*, Kathryn Briscoe-Hough, Emma Barkus, Jane S. Herbert, Leonie Miller, Greg Konza, Judy A. Pickard

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Mindfulness is increasingly offered to parents of children presenting with behavioral problems, either as a stand-alone intervention, or integrated within existing behavioral parenting interventions. There is relatively modest support for mindful parenting, with small to medium effect size improvements demonstrated across child and parent outcome measures. Here we introduce a mindfulness and imagery enhanced behavioral parenting program. We argue blending mindfulness, imagery and behavioral skills could produce improved parenting engagement and perseverance, leading to stronger outcomes. Pilot data is presented from two contrasting real world clinical settings. Parents attending the 8-week Confident Carers Cooperative Kids (CCCK) group program in a university clinic setting were invited to be included in the study (n = 20). Permission was also gained to use archival data from a community organisation offering CCCK groups to parents who were at risk of child welfare involvement (n = 14). Pre- and post-intervention measures were completed across both groups on parent-reported child behavior, parent wellbeing, adaptive parenting, and mindful parenting. Parents from both groups achieved significant pre- to post-intervention improvements in child behavior problems, parent wellbeing, adaptive parenting, and mindful parenting, with large effect sizes. Larger improvements in child behavior problems were reported by parents from the community group compared with the university group. The CCCK intervention appears beneficial across child and parent outcomes, including for families most in need. A larger sample is required to replicate and extend these promising findings.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1504–1518
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Child and Family Studies
Issue number5
Early online date14 Dec 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2023


  • Child behavior
  • Imagery
  • Mindfulness
  • Parenting
  • Real-world effectiveness


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