Miss-Represented? Mediating Miss World in Shrew Magazine

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This article argues that the mass mediation of the Miss World protest of 1970 has obscured the ‘messy particularities’ of grass-roots feminist activism. Reading Shrew magazine as it mediated the Miss World protests of 1969 and 1970 reveals the multiple, contingent and complex feminisms underpinning activism. Exploring the debates within the pages of Shrew makes visible a critique of white hegemonic femininity, as well as a constant critical interrogation and testing of feminist ideas and practices. More specifically, the women producing Shrew recognized the intersections between race, social class and gender, and explored the implications of intersectionality before the term became common currency within feminism; they also recognized that the mass media’s construction of the women’s liberation movement as white and middle class positioned white feminists in opposition to their black sisters. Reading Shrew alerts us to the everyday, messy and multiple feminisms that stimulated and sustained the production of the magazine itself, as well as the activism associated with the Miss World protests.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)412-431
JournalWomen: A Cultural Review
Issue number4
Early online date11 May 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 May 2017


  • feminist media
  • periodicals
  • grass-roots activism
  • women’s liberation movement
  • Shrew
  • Miss World protests


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