Mitigating Malicious Adversaries Evasion Attacks in Industrial Internet of Things

Husnain Rafiq, Nauman Aslam, Usman Ahmed, Jerry Chun-Wei Lin

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With advanced 5 G/6 G networks, data-driven interconnected devices will increase exponentially. As a result, the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) requires data secure information extraction to apply digital services, medical diagnoses and financial forecasting. This introduction of high-speed network mobile applications will also adapt. As a consequence, the scale and complexity of Android malware are rising. Detection of malware classification vulnerable to attacks. A fabricate feature can force misclassification to produce the desired output. This study proposes a subset feature selection method to evade fabricated attacks in the IIOT environment. The method extracts application-aware features from a single android application to train an independent classification model. Ensemble-based learning is then used to train the distinct classification models. Finally, the collaborative ML classifier makes independent decisions to fight against adversarial evasion attacks. We compare and evaluate the benchmark Android malware dataset. The proposed method achieved 91% accuracy with 14 fabricated input features.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)960-968
Number of pages9
JournalIEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics
Issue number1
Early online date7 Jul 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2023


  • Adversarial attacks
  • Analytical models
  • Feature extraction
  • Industrial Internet of Things
  • Malware
  • Object recognition
  • Smart phones
  • Static analysis
  • android
  • industrial internet of things (IIoT)
  • malware


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