Modelling defect cavities formed in inverse three-dimensional rod-connected diamond photonic crystals

Mike P. C. Taverne, Y.-L. D. Ho, Xu Zheng, S. Liu, L.-F. Chen, M. Lopez-Garcia, J. G. Rarity

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7 Citations (Scopus)


Defect cavities in 3D photonic crystal can trap and store light in the smallest volumes allowable in dielectric materials, enhancing non-linearities and cavity QED effects. Here, we study inverse rod-connected diamond (RCD) crystals containing point defect cavities using plane-wave expansion and finite-difference time domain methods. By optimizing the dimensions of the crystal, wide photonic bandgaps are obtained. Mid-bandgap resonances can then be engineered by introducing point defects in the crystal. We investigate a variety of single spherical defects at different locations in the unit cell focusing on high-refractive-index-contrast (3.3:1) inverse RCD structures; quality factors (Q-factors) and mode volumes of the resonant cavity modes are calculated. By choosing a symmetric arrangement, consisting of a single sphere defect located at the center of a tetrahedral arrangement, mode volumes < 0.06 cubic wavelengths are obtained, a record for high-index cavities.
Original languageEnglish
Article number64007
Number of pages7
JournalEurophysics Letters
Issue number6
Publication statusPublished - 16 Feb 2017


  • Photonic bandgap materials
  • Microcavity and microdisk lasers
  • Cavity quantum electrodynamics


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