Multi-Metric QoS-balancing Relay Selection Algorithm in V2X Communications

Aljawharah Alnasser, Hongjian SUN, Jing Jiang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

5 Citations (Scopus)
42 Downloads (Pure)


As the network topology of the Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) frequently changes, direct communication with the infrastructure unit is not always available. Therefore, the road entity requires to choose Device-to-Device (D2D) relay node to forward its packet to the nearest infrastructure unit. In this paper, we propose a method for selecting a D2D relaying node to connect the source road entity with LTE-based V2X infrastructure. The proposed Quality of Service (QoS)-balancing relay selection method takes the QoS requirements into consideration when electing D2D relaying node. It is a multi-criteria scheme that applies the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) for making decisions. These criteria include channel capacity, link stability, and end-to-end delay. We conduct various experiments with several network scenarios to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Simulation results showed that the proposed method improves Packet Dropping Rate (PDR) by 78% and average delay by 45% in comparison with the existing method.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication2019 IEEE Globecom Workshops: (GC Wkshps)
Subtitle of host publicationWaikoloa, Hawaii, USA, 9-13 December 2019
Place of PublicationPiscataway
Number of pages6
ISBN (Electronic)9781728109602
ISBN (Print)9781728109619
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2019
Event2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference - Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii, United States
Duration: 9 Dec 201913 Dec 2019


Conference2019 IEEE Global Communications Conference
Abbreviated titleGLOBECOM 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited States
Internet address


  • Intelligent transportation system
  • QoS
  • relay selection
  • V2X


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