National Green Tribunal: Judge Craft, Decision Making and Collegiality

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This article focuses, in the first instance, on the writing of Harry T. Edwards7, Emeritus Circuit Judge, United States Court of Appeal for the District of Columbia, Washington Circuit, by specifically addressing his paper entitled, ‘’The Effects of Collegiality on Judicial Decision Making’’ (2003)151 Pennsylvania Law Review 1639.Thereafter the article proceeds to apply to his theory the empirical data recorded in the interviews conducted with bench members in Delhi, Pune, Bhopal, Chennai and Kolkata. This combination of theory and practice offers an account of the processes by which NGT Benches reach their conclusions through a process that Edwards describes as “collegiality”.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)43-52
JournalNational Green Tribunal International Journal of Environment
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2014


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