New development: From blanket coverage to patchwork quilt—rethinking organizational responses to fraud in the National Health Service in England

Cerian Griffiths*, Alan Doig, Jacqueline Harvey, Katie Benson, Nicholas Lord

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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This article will be of value to those working across the National Health Service (NHS) and particularly to those engaged in counter fraud activities across the public sector. As well as having national value, this article will be of international relevance as it speaks to the responsible guardianship of public funds. This article evidences the ways in which counter fraud services across the NHS in England are disjointed and some of the causes for such disjointedness. Official reports estimate that at least £1.2 billion, approximately 1% of the NHS budget, is annually lost to fraud. At a time when the NHS is facing unprecedented demand on its resources due to austerity policies, Brexit and the global pandemic, and with no clear indication of significant additional investment, any loss of NHS funds could have significant impact on patient care and so a better understanding of counter fraud responses in the NHS is potentially pivotal to future responsible handling of public money.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)271-275
Number of pages5
JournalPublic Money & Management
Issue number3
Early online date26 Oct 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2 Apr 2024


  • Continuing professional development
  • National Health Service
  • counter fraud
  • financial accountability
  • financial crime
  • fraud
  • public sector fraud
  • safeguarding of public money

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