Notes on the Localization of Generalized Hexagonal Cellular Networks

Muhammad Azeem*, Muhammad Kamran Jamil, Yilun Shang

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The act of accessing the exact location, or position, of a node in a network is known as the localization of a network. In this methodology, the precise location of each node within a network can be made in the terms of certain chosen nodes in a subset. This subset is known as the locating set and its minimum cardinality is called the locating number of a network. The generalized hexagonal cellular network is a novel structure for the planning and analysis of a network. In this work, we considered conducting the localization of a generalized hexagonal cellular network. Moreover, we determined and proved the exact locating number for this network. Furthermore, in this technique, each node of a generalized hexagonal cellular network can be accessed uniquely. Lastly, we also discussed the generalized version of the locating set and locating number.
Original languageEnglish
Article number844
Number of pages15
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 7 Feb 2023


  • locating set
  • locating number
  • resolving set
  • fault-tolerant locating set
  • generalized hexagonal cellular network


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