Numerical studies of steel channels with staggered slotted perforations subject to combined bending and shear actions

N. Degtyareva, Keerthan Poologanathan, Shanmuganathan Gunalan, M. Lawson, Gatheeshgar Perampalam, P. Sunday

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Cold-formed steel studs and purlins with staggered slotted perforations in webs are used in construction to improve thermal performance of the profiles and energy efficiency of structures. On the other hand, the web perforations adversely affect structural performance of the members, especially their shear, bending and combined bending and shear strengths. Relatively little research has been reported on this subject despite its importance. Many research studies have been carried out to evaluate the combined bending and shear behaviour of conventional cold-formed channel beams. To date, however, no investigation has been conducted into the strength of cold-formed steel channels with staggered slotted perforations under combined bending and shear actions. Finite element models of cold-formed steel channels with staggered slotted perforations were developed to simulate their combined bending and shear behaviour and strength. They were then validated by comparing the results with available experimental test results and used in a detailed parametric study. This paper presents the details of the numerical studies of cold-formed steel channels with staggered slotted perforations and the results.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 5 Jul 2019
Event9th International Conference on
Steel and Aluminium Structures
- Bradford, United Kingdom
Duration: 3 Jul 20195 Jul 2019


Conference9th International Conference on
Steel and Aluminium Structures
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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